Comment on the Tripartite Agreement on diversified employment patters and work-sharing

26 December 2002

Tadayoshi KUSANO
General Secretary

  1. Government, employer and labour representatives today agreed on "diversified employment patterns and work-sharing". While Rengo sees this agreement as a step forward from the March agreement, this agreement only confirms fundamental directions for various issues that should be embodied within this fiscal year, or by the end of March 2003, through a series of discussions. In this context, RENGO treats the agreement as an interim report and will be working to reach an agreement on remaining problems.

  2. This agreement is to confirm that the government and the social partners will work together to promote the diversification of employment patters, ensure equal treatment for all types of jobs, develop proper working time management and improve human resource development. Atypical workers are not a choice of workers, but represent the expansion of employers' choices for the cost-reduction purpose. It is believed that we had a common understanding that improving such situation and expanding workers' choices suited to their life-styles would be a benefit to employers.

  3. Work sharing is not only a practice at the workplace, but should be accompanied with overall reform of life-styles and the society as a whole. This was already recognized as a common understanding in the first meeting of the Tripartite Employment Conference and needs to be further embodied.

  4. In particular, equal and fair treatment for all types of jobs should be elaborated not only at the labour-management level, but also at the tripartite level towards a definite conclusion to be mad by the end of the fiscal year. Rengo will expect the Government to take the lead and also make all possible efforts to come to a conclusion with employers.

  5. The employment situation is expected to be further deteriorated without a sign of recovery. The Government and the social partners should work together to make concrete steps in discussing work sharing characterised by diversified working and employment patterns with a view to review work- and life-styles. We have decided to continue working together towards the establishment of cross-enterprise personnel management and human resource development, starting with what can be achieved, such as shortening overtime working hours, institutionalising part-time workers, etc.
