Lower House dissolved and a general election coming

10 October 2003

Tadayoshi KUSANO
General Secretary

  1. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi dissolved the House of Representatives today and set Nov. 9 as the date of a general election, which will the first election in three years and 5 months since June 2000.

    Koizumi took office in April 2000. It is now obvious to everyone that his administration has not made any significant achievement since then, but only with insubstantial performance and empty slogans. Deflation has not yet been overcome. The jobless and suicides have hit the worst record in history. The pension plan has been reformed for the worse. The fundamental medical reform has been postponed. Consequently, heavier burden has been put on the peoples who are filled with uneasiness about now and future. Furthermore, as Koizumi uncritically supports the United States strengthening unilateralism, having rammed the extension of the Antiterrorism Law through the Diet, his foreign policy contains dangers.

  2. Looking at the opposition, the DPJ has gained momentum since its recent absorption of the Liberal Party, backing up its own candidates in all of 300 small constituencies. The DPJ has prepared itself to win the election, presenting its manifesto to voters and achieving the cooperation with the SDP and other opposition parties.

    The DPJ and RENGO, represented President Kan and President Sasamori respectively, met today and concluded a policy compact toward the victory of the DPJ in the election. During the meeting, RENGO promised to give full support to the DPJ for the compact to be realised. The DPJ clearly stated that it would make all possible effort in the political scene to realise “a labour-centred social welfare state” which is a goal RENGO is aiming at. Among policies enshrined in the Compact, both RENGO and the DPJ give priorities to:
    - Fiscal policy to give the highest priority to job creation and cure the ailing economy;
    - Reforms of the public pension system to recover trust of the peoples;
    - Legislation for part-time workers and those with fixed-term and of labour contract;
    - Measures to activate local industries, particularly small and medium enterprises;
    - Democratic public service reform and restoration of fundamental workers’ rights for public employees;

  3. The forthcoming general election will be a great opportunity to transform the nation’s political landscape and will determine the course of Japan for next ten years. Allowing the Koizumi administration that continuously demands ‘competition’ and ‘pain’ to the society emerges victorious in the election is only leading to unhappiness. RENGO will make all possible efforts for RENGO-recommended candidates to win the election in cooperation with its affiliates and local RENGOs

    RENGO will call all voters to participate in politics more actively and its members to take an independent action.
