RENGO/NIKKEIREN Joint Proposal: Realize the "Million Job Creation Plan" (11,18 December 1998) |
The third meeting of the "Employment Promotion Council of Government-Labor-Management" was held on December 10 at a hotel in Tokyo. At the meeting, RENGO and the Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren) submitted their joint proposal entitled the "Million Job Creation Plan: Certain Realization and Implementation" with a breakdown of job numbers of each industry. Expressing its views on the proposal, the government stated that it would take it up at its Head Office of Industrial Structure and Employment Measures. Attendees at the Employment Promotion Council included the International Trade and Industry Minister Yosano and Labor Minister Amari from the government, President Washio and Deputy President Enomoto from RENGO, and President Nemoto and Managing Director Fukuoka from Nikkeiren. RENGO and Nikkeiren presented to the government its "Million Job Creation Plan: Certain Realization and Implementation" which was agreed upon at an emergency meeting on the morning of December 10, prior to the Council meeting. The following items were also requested. In regards to the proposal, the government expressed the view that it would examine it at its Head Office of Industrial Structure and Employment Measures. RENGO will continue to beef up necessary countermeasures for the certain implementation of the joint proposal. |
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