Nominated Candidates for the Proportional Representation Chosen
Kick-off ceremony for the campaign toward the Upper House election
(22 May 1998)

RENGO held the 9th Central Executive Committee on 14 May and confirmed its concrete plan for the Upper House election, following the decision "the Guideline for the 18th Upper House election" at the 8th Commission. Nominated candidates for the proportional representation and for the constituencies were finally identified. On the same day, RENGO hosted the kick-off ceremony for the campaign at its head office. After the yell of encouragement by Mr. Washio, RENGO President, the hall was filled with clapping and cheering for the candidates.

RENGO's concrete plan for the 18th Upper House election

Based on the Guideline for the 18th Upper House election that was adopted at the 8th Central Executive Committee on 16 April, RENGO proposed the concrete plan of its action as follows and propel throughout the organization.

The keynote action

    1. The Democratic Party, which RENGO put its full support, was inaugurated on 27 April and started the activity in the field, after the adoption of the Basic Guideline on the Campaign toward the Upper House Election. RENGO, responds to the Democratic Party's activities, supports the Party strongly and expands the action nationwide.
    2. Coordination of the organizational structure is to be urgently executed to promote the election campaign. RENGO, local-RENGOs and the affiliated unions assist the Democratic Party enthusiastically at all the prefectural levels.
    3. The Democratic Party should obtain 15 million votes and 20 of its candidates be elected by the proportional election. RENGO puts own targets at its local-RENGOs and affiliated unions and materialize the winning.
    4. RENGO, divides the term between the middle of May and the election day into two parts, proceeds the campaign by making own election gears. By fully utilizing the gears, RENGO extends the support to the Democratic Party to its union members and their family.

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