Prime Minister Obuchi meets RENGO for the first time
(11 September 1998)

A Government-labour meeting was held at the Prime Minister's residence on 7 September. The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Mr. Obuchi, Labour Minister Mr. Amari and Chief Cabinet Secretary Mr. Nonaka on the Government side and on the RENGO Side Mr. Washio (President), 8 vice President and General Secretary Mr. Sasamori.

As Mr. Washio requested to continue a meeting, Prime Minister replied: "I would appreciate listening to RENGO's opinions at certain opportunities," "the Government is making every effort to plan and implement economic measures," "I would ask opposition parties and RENGO for cooperation in the view of having Bill on financial reconstruction passed by the Diet by the end of this session," and "the Government is pushing on with the Total Employment Plan to create jobs." Labour Minister promised to consider the creation a committee on employment measures as requested by RENGO. Chief Cabinet Secretary commented that the National Personnel Authority's recommendation on wages in the public sector should be properly treated with the consultation with parties concerned.

"No" to the unconditional use of public fund for the Long-term Credit Bank of Japan
(11 September 1998)
It is essential that the Government should take measures that could be accepted by the people and the global community and that it should not begin with the use of public funds in treating the Long-term Credit Bank of Japan. It is at the minimum requisite to fulfil its accountability and to ensure disclosure and to define responsible persons in a transparent way. The use of public fund should be only accepted on the following conditions:
1) to disclose fully the information on the Bank management;
2) to define clearly the responsibility of the management, stockholders and the Government;
3) to report the investigation by the Financial Authority and the analysis on the impact of the bankruptcy on the society to the Diet;
4) to set the criteria for the use of public fund with a clear procedure;
5) to establish a system to protect good and sound debtors.

Four priorities of employment measures
(11 September 1998)

RENGO's Central Executive Committee at its 15th meeting on 10 September 1998 adopted economic policies for 1999.

Japan is now in crisis with the unemployment rate of more than 4% and 2.9 million unemployed, which is characterized by a high rate of suicide due to self-bankruptcy or excessive loaning. Unemployment rate is relatively high among the youth and the aged. Urgent and potential measures are immediately necessary and the highest priority should be given to the following four areas: 1) employment stability and security, 2) employment creation, 3) strengthening of local employment measures and 4) policies and institutions.

Current Domestic