RENGO held its usual New Year reception at a Tokyo hotel January 5. 1,500 participants from each community gathered including Labor Minister Amari (proxy for Prime Minister Obuchi), Chairman Nemoto of Nikkeiren, Democratic Party Leader Kan, Komeito Leader Kanzaki, Social Democratic Party Secretary General Fuchigami, Reformers' Network SG Ishida, LDP SG Mori and Liberal Party SG Noda. The New Year celebrants expressed their wishes that the coming year would open the door to new prospects. |

Photo: "Cheers! May this year be a turning point."
Far right, President Washio; before the microphone, Deputy President Enomoto. |
Prefacing his opening remarks President Washio said, this is RENGO's tenth year and "we hold a vision of the kind of society and living standards we hope Japan to achieve and we hope this year we will push toward that vision." Washio then started with the structure reform problems now facing Japan, and expressed RENGO's basic principle for a grip on policy demanding, by citing Professor Sen. "Last year was overrun with opinions as if advocating the free-market as omnipotent for reform. 1998 Nobel Laureate in Economics, Professor Amartya Sen of Cambridge University asserted that a rational fool pursues only his own interests and poverty can not be overwhelmed only by putting it into the hands of market. We should digest the significance of this fully." Turning to the employment problem, he stated that stabilizing the labor market was a burning problem, and gave keen warning that "restructuring without regard for appearances ruins the basic power of Japanese society." On the political agenda to create a two-party system, he said, "we will fundamentally stress policies and active discussion, and work for a general consensus." Further, he urged "the Democratic Party of Japan should buck themselves up more." Labor Minister Amari and Nikkeiren Chairman Nemoto also made guest speeches.
1999 New Year Appeal
January 5, 1999
1999-We have entered a significant new year which marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of RENGO. This year will be the year the dark clouds of dragging recession clear away to reveal a silver lining for the future.
The Japanese economy mired in negative growth for two years, workers' household incomes declined, banks rushed into a credit crunch, and there seems to be no end to downsizing and bankruptcies. Uneasiness over the employment situation has spread over the entire nation.
Responsibility lies in large part with Japanese politics both for creating this situation and letting it worsen. Government, Labor, and Management all must take responsibility to break this downward spiral and stabilize employment and living standards as soon as possible. RENGO will devote all its efforts to this end.
The 1999 Spring Struggle now facing us will prove the labor unions' worth. No matter how severe the situation is, or how acute the economy worsens, RENGO will reaffirm the meaning of the Spring Struggle as a system of social distribution of income and pledges along with all its constituent organizations, to rise to action. We must succeed to see wage increases that actually improve one's living, shorter working hours, job stability and fair working conditions, and improvement of policies and systems. We must improve the quality of life while at the same time leading toward increased consumption-to economy recovery through those improvements.
The problems are piling up. RENGO will continue its efforts step by step for the Spring Struggle and to Unified Local Election under the slogan of "Power and Action," and actively work for human rights, the environment and world peace. RENGO links the results of its actions with expanding its organization, and aims to reach 10 million members.
The 21st century is just ahead. The world and Japan are now at a turning point facing the globalization of an economic society, an information explosion, declining birthrates, an aging society, global environment problems, and so forth. RENGO will actively challenge those problems to pave the way for a new era. May all 8 million union members promote togetherness all the more to overcome these difficulties! My fellow citizens! Go forth with RENGO to build a future of security and trust! |