The 24th Central Executive Committee Meeting
Expansion of Child Care Measures Urgently Needed
Approach Local Assemblies to Adopt Statement
(28 May 1999)

On May 20, at the 24th Central Executive Committee Meeting, RENGO decided that it will put into motion a movement to promote the adoption of a written statement providing for expanded child care measures primarily at local assemblies to take place in June.

RENGO confirmed that its intention to employ total countermeasures to deal with slowing birthrate in its "Demands and Proposals for Policy/Systems."
It is essential that we work to create an environment where children can grow up healthy, people may raise a family without fear, and both men and women can work and raise children in harmony in the workplace, home and local life.
Expanded day-care service and after-school child care is urgently needed soon, especially at this time when the number of male and female working parents is expected to increase among various working styles.
Focusing on the Government's estimated budget request for municipalities for the 2000 fiscal year RENGO will work to influence local assemblies to adopt statements seeking expanded child care measures.

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