(15 October 1999) |
RENGO shall make its effort to realize a free, equal, fair and peaceful society in line with the Constitution of Japan, which is based on the principle that sovereignty resides in the people, the respect of basic human rights and eternal peace. RENGO shall exclude totalitarianism either of right or left, protect human rights and democracy and realize the politics where constitutional democracy is reflecting the will of people in a proper way. RENGO shall aim at realizing affluent, vital and person-centered welfare state in pursuit of social cohesion and social justice in cooperation with the people. RENGO shall pursuit mutual coexistence with other states over the world based on the international cooperation. It shall also contribute to international political, economic and social development, environmental protection and world eternal peace. 2. RENGO's position on basic policies of the state (1) The revision of the Constitution We don't deny the discussion on the Constitution. RENGO shall regard three principles as important and shall make its effort to realize them: the pacifism in Constitution, the principle that sovereignty resides in the people and the respect of human rights. It is the tendency of public opinion that increasing attention is paid to the discussion on the Constitution due to accelerating process of globalization, changes in international affairs, environmental issues and information disclosure. However, it is yet premature to start serious discussion on the revision of the Constitution. In the meantime, the specific issues that were not even assumed at the time when the Constitution was enacted should be individually discussed in the view of enacting new laws. (2) Diplomacy and defense Based on the observance of the Constitution and the diplomatic approach with the United Nations as a core peacemaker, Japan should play an active role for the stability of Asia and the world peace. The establishment of the New World order should be formulated with international organizations, including the United Nations, as a core. We shall therefore actively support the UN and other organizations more than ever. We shall maintain/strengthen the tie between the United States and Japan, aiming at the mutual benefits, based on the long standing relationship of mutual trust. In particular, not being limited to the military side in the US-Japan Security Treaty, we shall strengthen the U.S.-Japan Economy Security Treaty taking notice to the economic relations between the U.S. and Japan. Japan shall be in the position of maintaining the US-Japan Security Treaty with respect of the role having been taken so far by the Treaty. On the other hand, the highest priority should be given to the improvement of such situation, as most bases offered to the US are located in Okinawa and also to the review of the US-Japan Agreement. It should be confirmed that the right of self-defense is a proper right of an independent country in line with the international rule. The Self-Defense Force shall be recognized under the condition of an exclusively defensive security policy, the complete civilian control and the three antinuclear principles. However, we will direct it towards reduction for future. Furthermore a basic security bill should be enacted in the view of complementing the Constitution. (3) The US bases in Japan The special situation in Okinawa should be considered as a national issue with the pain of the people in Okinawa to be shared with the remaining nation as a whole. Mutual understanding between the central Government and the Okinawa Prefecture should be promoted. We shall aim at solving the problem of the US bases. Then we shall demand that the government take concrete measures to reorganize and reduce the number of bases and review the US-Japan Agreement. Concrete policies should be formulated about the use of post-base sites and employment promotion. The Government should also promote and secure measures for industrial promotion, including the International City Plan. (4) Peace, nuclear and disarmament (5) The Japanese economy and society The market economy without neither fair rules nor safety nets only causes confusion. In particular, the market economy theory based on the market fundamentalism, which is occupied by reinforcing international competitiveness according to the capital principle, widens the gap and excludes the weak. It is imperative to establish a social and economic framework at home and abroad to complement and correct failures of market. Turning to the international economy, Japan should contribute to the development of the world as a whole through establishing fair trade/investment rules under the transparent market system, namely the WTO. It goes without saying that such rules should include internationally recognized universal principles such as core labour standards and human rights. Moreover, it is indispensable to take effective measures in order to prevent disturbances in the economy by speculative arrangements in the international financial market such as hedge funds and also to stabilize currency and the world economy. Based on such a stable economic system, we must build up an active welfare society, environmentally friendly economy, and the cohesive and participatory society. 3. Realizing the politics with the change of a regime We should realize the politics based on the principle that sovereignty resides in the people, the politics rich in the leadership with clear policies and actions, and the politics without a back-scratching alliance. To this end, we need to first realize the politics with the possibility to change a regime. RENGO aims at unifying political forces into the one that could come to the power and as an ultimate goal, establishing the political system with two major parties. 4. Political activities of trade unions and the relationship between unions and political parties (1) Political activities of trade unions In order to realize the stable employment and livelihood, it is indispensable to carry out political activities aimed at policies and institution-related reforms, as well as collective bargaining-related activities at the enterprise level. Trade unions have a right to political activities based on their own will and judgement. Any intervention either by the government nor employers should not be accepted according to the principle of freedom and democracy. RENGO and its affiliates play the role in stabilizing the employment situation, realizing the world peace, protecting the democracy and contributing to the international community. To this end, we should make our best effort in convincing the Diet, the central and local governments, and political parties to solve political, economic and social challenges. The RENGO's members have the political principles in common and actively participate in election campaigns, contributions and fund-raising campaigns. (2) Relationship with the political parties Trade unions and political parties are different in functions and should be independent of and nonintervened by each other. RENGO continues to approach political parties in the view of realizing its own policy-related proposals. In doing so, RENGO support political parties and individual statesmen and cooperate with them in the election. RENGO and its affiliates share common principles of the politics and policies and cooperate with parties with which they could realize the principles. However, the relationship with parties should not be fixed but should be based on policies-oriented cooperation. |
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