16th Central
Executive Committee Meeting Sturdy Safety-Net Indispensable 3 Employment Insurance Project Revision Measures (1 December 2000) |
At its 16th Central Executive Committee Meeting held on November 16, RENGO endorsed its " RENGO Stance and Policies on Employment Measures for Structural Change in Japan and Benefit Revision for Employment Security Projects." It shows RENGO's resolve on measures for the increasing labor flow that it is indispensable not only to enforce adjustment of the supply and demand of labor but also to provide a sturdy safety net for employment. Since last September, The Labor Ministry's Central Employment Safety Council has been conducting discussions on the basic concepts of how to maintain related systems for employment policy promotion that correspond to structural changes in the economy and industry. It has also discussed the direction of benefits reduction/rationalization from three programs within the employment insurance system (employment stabilization, job skill development, and employment welfare). Discussions are now approaching their final phase and will be compiled into a proposition to be submitted to the Labor Minister in November. 1. Points Raised to Wrap up the Discussion The following issues will
become important in the future to maintain employment security
in the long term as the flow of labor increases and the supply
and demand for labor creates a growing mismatch in the process
of economic and industrial structure change. It is necessary
to (1) maintain and secure employment and (2) bring about a "flow
of labor without unemployment," (3) create healthy job opportunities,
(4) encourage self-motivated career building by individual workers. In accordance with these concepts, The Ministry of Labor will conduct a consolidation and the rationalization of compound and multiple benefits in three employment insurance programs and clarify the basic concept and responsibilities of affiliated parties in the form of specific statutes. A significant feature of these discussions is that business owners will be responsible for systematically helping find jobs for workers whom they fired, and should support measures that keep such practices in place. So far, support measures
to encourage the flow of labor with subsidies has basically been
limited to certain particularly stagnated kinds of businesses,
with the exception of certain time restricted actions as emergency
employment measures. However, in the future it is planned that
such support measures will develop into a fundamental feature
for every business. 2. RENGO's Basic Stance on Creating Measures to Keep Up with Economic and Industrial Structural Change RENGO finds that changes
in industrial structure, rapidity in technology innovation, and
so forth will make a higher labor turnover unavoidable in 21st
century. After every effort has been made to extensively support
career building, and management has made significant effort to
prevent dismissals, and downsizing is still unavoidable, then
support for "labor flow without unemployment" becomes
critical and requires study. RENGO is not opposed to raising support to assist extensive self-motivated career building by individual workers or to supporting labor flow without unemployment. RENGO realizes that stimulating an adjustment of the supply and demand of labor and granting support to workers in transition is important, but beefing-up employment-related safety nets in response to labor flow increments is an indispensable prerequisite. When one recognizes the expanding the flow of employment is a basic fact, the following matters must be established as early as possible as labor policies. Establish secure opportunities to build individual careers and vocational training, a job ability assessment scheme for fair treatment and stable living standards when changing jobs, social rules in the dismissal procedure to protect against easy dismissal, and work-rules against unfair discrimination by job type. Particularly, there is a problem with the systematic support for re-employment on the part of business owners which has been introduced as a measure to realize "smooth labor flow" in the discussion. The problem is that any restraints against easy dismissal are not clear when turnover support measures are changed into a general support measure based solely on the business owners' convenience. It is necessary to clarify the position of and legislate planned support measures for re-employment by business owners. This is a turnover support measure for unavoidable personnel downsizing, only after it is ascertained that management has made every effort to avoid dismissal in accordance with the four dismissal principles. At the same time, it is
crucial to fortify measures like supplementing public vocational
training, reinforcing skill development support that entrusts
the private sector with some responsibility, for the benefit
of people who confronted industrial structural change and had
to leave their jobs. Further, while seeking sound employment
in the entire labor market in society, it is also important to
study from a social standpoint the career building and the utilization
of job ability assessment scheme, both of which form the base
of employment stability. The following items have
been presented in the field of employment stability measures
associated with the review of three employment insurance services
benefits. Consolidating numerous benefits are planned to be carried
out based on the following issues:(1) Stipends to maintain employment
(from generalization of employment measures by business type
to one not stipulated by business type that responds to temporary
economic fluctuations) (2) Stipends to support labor flow without
unemployment (support for the business owners who systematically
support re-employment ahead of time for those leaving their jobs),
(3) Aid for the creation of job opportunities (helping small
to mid-sized businesses and local activities), and (4) Stipends
to aid job ability development (support owners who promote the
activities of individual workers to build their careers). RENGO's judgement and response
to each of the main issues by field follow: 4. RENGO's Efforts for
Coordinating Proposal |
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