RENGO confirmed the revised list ILO
Conventions that RENGO request with the highest priority to be
ratified at the 34th Central Committee on 17 November as follows.
RENGO will continue its struggle for the ratification of the
ILO conventions with these prioritized conventions.
17 conventions with
the highest priority
C.105 |
Abolition of Forced Labour
Convention, 1957 |
C.111 |
Discrimination (Employment
and Occupation) Convention, 1958 |
C.182 |
Worst Forms of Child Labour
Convention, 1999 |
C.144 |
Tripartite Consultation (International
Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 |
C.151 |
Labour Relations (Public Service)
Convention, 1978 |
C.47 |
Forty-Hour Week Convention,
1935 |
C.132 |
Holiday with Pay Convention,
1970 |
C.140 |
Paid Educational Leave Convention,
1974 |
C.94 |
Labour Clauses (Public Contracts)
Convention, 1949 |
C.171 |
Night Work Convention, 1990 |
C.173 |
Protection of Workers' Claims
(Employer's Insolvency) Convention, 1992 |
C.175 |
Part-time Work Convention,
1994 |
C.177 |
Home Work Convention, 1996 |
C.155 |
Occupational Safety and Health
Convention, 1981 |
C.148 |
Working Environment (Air Pollution,
Noise and Vibration) Convention, 1977 |
C.128 |
Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors'
Benefits Convention, 1967 |
C.183 |
The revision of the Maternity
Protection Convention (revised) Convention, 2000) |
5 conventions related
to specific industries/occupation that are also given the high
C. 108 |
Seafares' Identity Documents
Convention, 1958 |
C. 137 |
Dock Work Convention, 1973 |
C. 149 |
Nursing Personnel Convention,
1977 |
C. 153 |
Hours of Work and rest Periods
(Road Transport) Convention, 1979 |