"Serious Reflection and Future Action Needed"
19th Upper House Election Press Conference
(3,10 August 2001)

The very first national election of the 21st century, the 19th House of Councilors Election and its ballot tally, took place on July 29.
The ruling camp of the Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito Party and Conservative Party retained a comfortable majority while opposition parties saw severe results: 26 seats for the Democratic Party, 3 for the Social Democratic Party, 6 for the Liberal Party, and 5 for the Japanese Communist Party. 20 out of 48 RENGO endorsed candidates won the seats in the constituency system and 6 out of 9 won seats for proportional representation. In response, RENGO held a press conference the next day on the 30th. RENGO President Washio told the press that "(RENGO) needs to reflect seriously and that future actions are necessary." RENGO released the Secretary General's comments which expressed gratitude for the efforts of all the organizations and union members who fought an uphill battle "although we didn't gain the result we expected."

Photo: President Washio (left) speaks of future tasks.

At the news conference, Washio said, "the candidates made a good showing in plural-seat constituencies, but fell apart entirely in single-seat constituencies. We could not beat Koizumi's popularity." In proportional representation, RENGO endorsed candidates received 1.69 million votes, less than initial estimates and Washio emphasized that "it isn't clear if we fully impressed upon union members the need to write in our candidates' names. We must reflect seriously on the matter and take future actions to remedy the situation." Further, appealing for the necessity of support measures for the unemployed and the construction of safety net Washio stated, "we are confronted by issues of structural reform and it is the task of future trade unions as to how we stem the tide of damage to the workers."

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