On March 2, RENGO held the 3.2 Central
Pep Rally for the 2001 Spring Struggle. 26,000 of our working
comrades gathered at Tokyo's Meiji Park in the cold wind where
we showed our resolve to face the Spring Struggle peak period.
Photo:President Washio called
on supporters to "Face the
Spring Struggle with confidence and conviction" (2nd, Tokyo)
Representing the
organizers, RENGO President Washio told the overflowing crowd to "face
the Spring Struggle that has now reached a serious phase in negotiations
with confidence and conviction." President Washio also displayed
his resolve saying, "What has supported business up to now has
been the diligent effort of the workers. Looking at the world economy,
only Japan is facing the prospect of prolonged anxiety in the future.
While economic organizations criticize the Spring Struggle as being
slavish, and yet they are falling into line by depressing wages. In
order to protect lifestyles we will enter into collective bargaining
with an attitude of securing victory of our demands by all means."
Further, he criticized the government's current financial policies
such as its cosmetic stock price measures, the gradual reduction
of low interest rates, and wasteful financial policies "to
restore the economy, there must be social security for stability."
Finally, he called on attendees to "make an administration
that will pass our demands in unity with opposition parties."
Continuing, RENGO Secretary General Sasamori gave a report on
current conditions. Prefacing his report he stated, "this
year's Spring Struggle is not going to settle for a few ¥100
coins!" He said that unions that have demanded pay raises
should stubbornly follow through with their stance to gain base
pay increases. Furthermore, he asked attendees to tackle this
Spring Struggle with the same determination they would if it
were the first political battle since RENGO was formed so that
"working citizens will no longer be victims of government."
There were addresses from representatives of the three opposition
parties (Democratic Party of Japan Vice-President Wakako Hironaka,
Social Democratic Party Secretary General Sadao Fuchigami, Liberal
Party Diet Affairs Committee Chairman Kenji Yamaoka) followed
by affiliated organizations representatives who spoke of their
determination to face the peak period. RENGO Vice President Tadayoshi
Kusano (representing metals-related industries) reported that
the seven JC (Japan Council of Metalworkers Unions) industrial
federations endorsed that they would "obtain a clear base
wage increase that reflects union members' prudent cooperation
and effort deservedly and leads to a future energizing of lives."
Further, RENGO Vice President Makoto Tsubone representing transportation-related
industries said that they were "strengthening actions to
raise wage levels including a change in demand methods."
RENGO Central Executive Committee Member Shigeru Masuda representing
food industries said, "industries' conditions are tough,
however we will use all our efforts to negotiate a raise in the
social status of the wage standard in the food industries."
The rally adopted the appeal "Push Discussion with Unwavering
Resolve." Finally, RENGO Deputy President Tsuneo Enomoto
closed the rally solidifying their collective will by leading
the crowd in three cheers.