Blessed with good weather, on April 28th,
RENGO held its 72nd May Day Central Rally at Yoyogi Park in Tokyo with
the slogan "Break Through Job/Living Standard Threatening Danger!
Gather Together the Total Power of the Workers and Let's Realize New
Politics by Changing the Political Administration!" At the first
May Day of the 21st Century, approximately 100, 000 working comrades
gathered. After the ceremony, RENGO conducted a demonstration parade
to appeal to the people for a change in government. Also this May Day,
new Prime Minister Koizumi attended after only being appointed on April
26. This was made possible by request from Prime Minister Koizumi's
camp. RENGO received the request to break two years of strained relations
between RENGO and the government. There has been a five-year gap since
a Japanese Prime Minister attended a RENGO May Day, the most recent
being 1995 (PM Murayama) and 1996 (PM Hashimoto).
the outset, RENGO President Washio stated in his opening speech, "this
address will grate on the ears of Prime Minister Koizumi." In his
talk, he touched on the fact that this year's May Day was not intended
to be a "festival" but a seriousplace to funneling the anger
and demands of the workers to break through the serious dangers threatening
jobs and living standards. "The most significant source of the
current stagnated situation is LDP politics / LDP-New Komeito-Conservative
Party administration. This serious situation was brought upon us because
the government's economic and job policies lacked effectiveness,"
Washio severely condemned. Going on, he stated "what is necessary
now is to create a way of living and working that show us a secure future.
We firmly believe that job policies are in fact economic policies"
and pledged to enforce activities that would realize RENGO policies.
Finally, President Washio said, "structural reform for the people
is impossible with the present 3-party ruling coalition. We need a political
power to take over and create a political administration that will sincerely
listen to our voices" and he appealed for the collection of power
to seek a change of the political administration in the coming July
House of Councilors election.
a RENGO May Day windbreaker, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi responded
foremost to President Washio's address which pointed out "the nature
of LDP politics hasn't changed beyond simply repainting a signboard."
The Prime Minister said, "I want you all to realize that my being
appointed Prime Minister in effect means the same as a change in government."
Further, PM Koizumi said, "'Carrying Through Reform' for there
can be no economic recovery without structural reform, this is the basic
principle of the Koizumi Cabinet. We hope to build a framework that
will allow Japan to truly face the 21st century and create policies
that will be supported by many citizens. What is most important is bringing
the greatest happiness to the greatest number. I will humbly listen
to your requests and pour all my efforts into developing Japan."
This he said seeking support and cooperation for these things.
in attendance at the ceremony were Health, Labor and Welfare Minister
Sakaguchi, representatives from the DemocraticParty of Japan, the Social
Democratic Party, and the Liberal Party, and President Goto of the Central
Labor and Welfare Association.
Democratic Party of Japan President Hatoyama stated in his address,
"Prime Minister Koizumi should know better than anyone else that
reform is impossible to perform in a coalition government. Discerning
the real nature of the cabinet, I want to clarify the differences. We
must start a government with workers at its center and no strings attached."
Social Democratic Party leader Doi clearly displayed her resolution
by stating, "I don't really understand the contents of the Koizumi
administration's reform. I will fight for a political administration
that respects the human rights of workers." Liberal Party Secretary
General Fujii followed emphasizing, "economic policies absolutely
require job stability and stable social security such as basic pensions,
medical care for the aged and nursing care."
Deputy President Enomoto delivered the May Day declaration (separate
page) and President Washio lead the crowd in a "Let's Do It!"
cheer to close the ceremony. After the ceremony, the crowd split into
five courses and conducted a demonstration march.
72nd May Day Declaration
Today, we gathered for the 72nd May Day.
This year's May Day events are held in 722 venues across the nation
and participated in by 1.55 million people.
As we face the historic first May Day of the 21st century, we
have changed the opening day to reflect our thinking of May Day
'Week'. Further, that basic theme is one of "peace, labor,
human rights, and environment."
In the midst of that, this year's May Day is the place to funnel
the anger of every citizen into action.
Our family lives and work are facing a situation of grave danger.
Business is worsening and the biggest cause is a depression in
consumption. Take home pay is continuing to shrink on the one
hand while fears over possibly losing ones' job are greatly increasing
on the other. We are living in a society where the economy's direction
is undecided and the future of welfare and nursing care is unclear,
a society where we must cut household costs, prepare for the future
and many in our nation cannot have a positive outlook on their
The greatest responsibility for our current social conditions
lies with a government awash in graft and corruption that ignores
the lives and jobs of the people. This sort of politics has betrayed
the trust of the nation and will not change by anything short
of replacing the Prime Minister.
Now is the time to bring the curtain down on the LDP-New Komeito-Conservative
What we desire is neither "structural reform" that leaves
our work and lives behind nor politics that leave everything to
"market." What we expect in politics is a realization
of the very basics, that is, the eradication of anxiety over job
and life so we can have hope for the future.
Let us work toward breaking through job/living standard threatening
danger, gather together the full power of the workers and realize
new politics by changing the administration! Let us be victorious
at the House of Councilors election and deliver a "NO!"
verdict to the LDP-New Komeito-Conservative administration!
Now is the time our anger should be funneled into action. May
is "Furious Mass Activity Month" so let us have all
workers go into their regions and create activities. Our battle
for political reform starts here.
This we pledge.