Build Social Consensus to
Break the Job Crisis Government-Labor-Employment Council Endorsed (9 November 2001) |
The 9th employment Promotion Council
of Government-Labor-Management was held on November 9 at a hotel in Tokyo. Responding
to the current severe employment circumstances, the council endorsed that the
three partiesgovernment, labor and managementwill work to build social
consensus to stabilize and create employment. The council was convened to respond
to the jobless rate that reached 5.3%, and RENGO and NIKKEIREN (Japan Federation
of Employers Associations) have recently compiled a Declaration Promoting
<Social Consensus on Employment>. Attendees included Chief Cabinet
Secretary Fukuda, Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Sakaguchi, Economy, Trade
and Industry Vice Minister Kojima, RENGO President Sasamori, RENGO General Secretary
Kusano, NIKKEIREN Chairman Okuda and NIKKEIREN Director-General Fukuoka.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Fukuda began by explaining the councils purpose,
to promote structural reform it is essential to take employment measures.
The government will disclose a supplementary budget today (November 9) following
the general employment measures which have already been announced. Todays
council was held to fight against these severe employment conditions with the
combined might of government, labor, and management. Trade and Industry
Vice Minister Kojima touching on work-sharing said, it is generally considered
that each businesss labor and management will work for work-sharing independently.
The government will not only promote work sharing but also improve those systems
that enable diversification of working methods. Health, Labor and Welfare Minister
Sakaguchi said, we will take the RENGO/NIKKEIREN declaration to promote
social consensus fully and cooperate in the promotion of activities for consensus
building on various working patterns and work-sharing. |
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