Amidst creating the Civil Servant System Reform Outline
this December, RENGO and RENGOs Public Sector Liaison Councils
held its Achieve Emergency Job Measures! 11/5 Central Rally For
Basic Labor Rights and Democratic Civil Servant System Reform
in Meiji Park in Tokyo on November 5. The rally drew a total of 10,500
people including 350 members from 21 affiliated organizations in the
private sector. The rally adopted the Resolution for establishment
of basic labor rights and democratic civil servant system reform
and afterward conducted petition marches dividing into two courses:
the Diet and Harajuku areas.
Photo: 10,000 gather
from across the nation.
(Nov. 5, Tokyo)
President Sasamori addressed the rally stating that it was a historical
rally in that the private sector and the public sector of RENGO joined
together for the sake of attaining employment and basic labor rights.
He continued, Let us boost activities for employment problems
more than ever as common targets for both sectors.
Following President Sasamori, Public Sector Task Force Headquarters
Director-General Maruyama criticized the governments attitude
to proceed and materialize only the study of personnel and wage systems
without first establishing basic labor rights is extremely problematic.
He said, we are facing the very climax of establishing basic labor
rights and achieving a democratic civil servant system. Let us encourage
movements both in the center and the local regions in order to beef
up activities.
Public Sector Task Force Headquarters General Secretary Yamamoto gave
a keynote report emphasizing civil servant system reform predicated
on the granting of basic labor rights or revision within the framework
of the present system if rights are not granted. There is no other choice.
Following the speeches by representatives from the Democratic Party
of Japan, the Social Democratic Party, and the Liberal Party respectively,
Public Services International Secretariat (PSI) Sectoral Activities
Officer David Boys and New Zealand Public Service Association (NZPSA)
National Secretary Paul Cochrane gave speeches saying, your struggle
is our struggle. We encourage your efforts so that your righteous demands
will be answered.
ZENZOHEI (All Mint Labor Union), KOKKO-RENGO (Japan Public Sector Union),
JICHIRO (All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union), NIKKYOSO
(Japan Teachers Union), and SEIROREN (Labor Federation of Government
Related Organizations) each declared their resolutions. Afterward, the
rally adopted the Central Rally Appeal seeking the securing and creation
of employment, and a resolution demanding the establishment of basic
labor rights and democratic civil servant system reform. The rally closed
with the cheer to unite!