Kusano: "support for combined career/home is the basis of the
society RENGO aims for." (October 12, Tokyo)
On October 12 and 13, RENGO held its "2001
Central Women's Rally" at Kudan Kaikan hall in Tokyo with the main theme
"Create a society where men and women can combine career and home securely."
Approximately 1,000 participants gathered at the rally engaging in lively
discussion for the approval of "Combine Career/Home Support Bill."
RENGO seeks approval of the Support Bill at the 153rd extraordinary
Diet session because the government's "Child-Care and Nursing Care Leave
Law Revised Bill" is insufficient. The government is scheduled to start
deliberation on its bill in the latter half of October.
On October 12, General Secretary Kusano gave his first speech in a rally
since his inauguration. In the speech, he emphasized that "we want
to make a new social order, a new economic-industrial order. The Combine
Career/Home Support Bill is the basis for building a labor-centered
welfare-oriented society." He asked affiliated organizations and
local RENGO to cooperate with the movement.
Liaison Committee representative for the Realize Resolution of the International
Women's Year Japan Convention, Mihoko Ejiri gave a speech saying, "we
want you to think about gender equality that is not based on a male
standard. We hope for a good discussion and practice." After which,
the rally proceeded with the raising of issues.
RENGO Assistant General Secretary Hayashi pointed out four goals: (1) equality in employment, (2) promoting women's participation, (3) establishing laws to support combining career and home, and 4.international solidarity with people. Hayashi continued urging every participant that "we want you to find a goal to realize through this rally and make concrete steps for ways to realize that goal. That will lead our movements to fruition."
After former RENGO Assistant General Secretary Takashima's lecture entitled " Japan in the World----What women should do from now for gender-freedom" participants divided into themed workshops where they exchanged opinions.
The next day, a panel discussion on Child-Care and Nursing-Care Leave
Law revised bill was coordinated by RENGO Department of Gender Equality
Executive Director Yoshimiya. ZENSEN (the Japanese Federation of Textile,
Garment, Chemical, Mercantile, Food and Allied Industries Workers' Unions)
Women's Bureau Chief Akimoto, JICHIRO (All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal
Workers' Union) Health and Welfare Bureau Chief Tokushige and attorney
Nakajima were among the panelists. The panel appealed for the necessity
to expand worker eligibility, to make mandatory a shorter working hour
system, to systemize nursing-care holidays, and so forth.
At the end of the rally, bouquets were presented in expression of appreciation
for the achievements of former Vice President Morooka and former Assistant
General Secretary Takashima who resigned at the 7th RENGO Convention
on October 4 and 5.