Government-Labor Meeting Demand Policy Changes Leading to Economic Recovery Voices of Unemployed and Local Offered to PM Koizumi (5 April 2002) |
The third Government-Labor Meeting since the establishing of the Koizumi Cabinet was held on April 3 at the Prime Minister's official residence. RENGO's demands included government policy changes for economic recovery, implementation of emergency job measures, financial support for 'Emergency Response Work Sharing,' securing wage levels for those in public works, as well as the establishment of basic labor rights for those in public works. Attending the meeting from the government side was Prime Minister Koizumi, Chief Cabinet Secretary Fukuda, Health, Labor, and Welfare Minister Sakaguchi, and others. Attendees from the RENGO side included President Sasamori, Deputy President Sakakibara, Vice President Takagi and General Secretary Kusano.
From the outset of the meeting, President Sasamori touched on the opinions exchanged during the nationwide campaign "Action Route 47." He presented the fact that there is considerable discussion among managers in local areas seeking the strengthening of measures for small to mid-sized businesses. Further, he indicated them that the difficulty of re-employment increases due to prolonged periods of unemployment and age limits-all of which were reflected both in the results of the survey questionnaire distributed among unemployed and the employment consultation hotline conducted in February. Sasamori touched on the continuing difficult conditions of the Spring Struggle and emphasized the necessity of policy changes saying, "We were unable to gain a significant base wage increase and even talk of freezing regular increase has started to emerge. This will not revive personal consumption." He continued his appeal stating, "The government should comprehensively respond by utilizing such things as a taxation system, Social Security, etc. Depending on the circumstances, it is necessary to come up with something symbolic." Regarding RENGO's petition to the ILO for Civil Servant System reform, RENGO Deputy President Sakakibara sought an honest response from the government while demanding that a forum for discussion on Work Sharing in the public sector be established between the government and RENGO's public sector liaison council. Along with his appeal on the issue of serious cuts in labor wages for outsourced contract manufacturing due to deflation, RENGO Vice President Takagi indicated that there were several points of contradiction in the ODA's position on China. With a note of doubt he said, "Transferring technology to China will only result in our (Japanese business) suffering. Is this acceptable?" General Secretary Kusano touched on Work Sharing in hopes that the government would swiftly issue a resolution on the matter of financial support for Emergency Response Work Sharing. Regarding RENGO's demands, Prime Minister appraised the agreement over Work Sharing. Health, Labor, and Welfare Minister Sakaguchi stated positively, "With regard to financial support we want to manage something from the special account. However, I suspect there may be a way to handle this matter even within the regular accounts. We hope to be able to meet these needs at least somewhat through coordinating with the Ministry of Finance." Prime Minister Koizumi also touched on the increasingly diversified deregulation in the labor field saying, "Easing restrictions can also result in increased employment. There are times when structural reform and the unions will butt heads, however, I would like you to think things through more flexibly." In response, Takagi said, "The workers are utterly exhausted. Deregulation at this stage will only make matters worse. What is necessary now is a message from the government telling us 'here's what to do to make it better.'" At the end of the meeting, Koizumi laid bare his intentions saying, "I want to continue to have frank discussions with RENGO in the future." |
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