Work Daily at Workplaces/Localities
on Actions Peace Action Seeks Return of All 4 Islands (19-20 September 2002) |
RENGO conducted its "2002 Peace Action
in Nemuro Demanding the Return of Northern Territories" on September
19 and 20 in Nemuro, Hokkaido. The main slogan was "Realize a Return
of All Four Northern Islands and Build Peace and Friendship between Japan
and Russia!" On September 19, 750 people from across the nation participated
in five seminars and a lecture regarding the real status of Japanese-Russian
negotiations and future prospects. The next day at the Nosappu Peace Rally,
1,500 people gathered from all over Japan as well as from local areas.
They all pledged to tackle movements in workplaces and localities that
demand the return of the northern territories.
Also, on September 19 fieldwork was conducted at the Hokkaido Four Northern Islands Exchange Center (NIHORO) entitled "Learn More about the Four Northern Islands!" This fieldwork was conducted primarily for attendees outside of Hokkaido Prefecture. Five seminars were held as well as a lecture by former NHK Moscow bureau chief Iida entitled "Investigate the Concocted Two-Island Return Theory," on the development, current conditions, and future prospects of Japanese-Russian peace treaty negotiations. Seminars included, "The Four Islands Today" by Secretary General Kodama of the Liaison Council for Movements Demanding Return of the Northern Territories, and "Memories of the Four Islands" by former islander Mr. Tokunou, former head of the Nemuro Branch of the League of Residents of Chishima and Habomai Islands. Attendees learned more about the Movements Demanding Return of the Northern Territories. |
Rally Resolution | ||
On September 20, we conducted the "2002 Peace Rally in Nosappu/Demanding
the Return of the Northern Territories" at Cape Nosappu in Nemuro-the
starting point of the movement to demand the return of the Northern Territories,
supported by fellow workers nationwide. The day before on September 19
at the Hokkaido Four Northern Islands Exchange Center we conducted fieldwork
entitled "Learn More about the Four Northern Islands!" This
Peace Rally figures prominently in the closing activities of RENGO's Peace
Movement which kicked off at the "2002 Peace Movement in Okinawa"
in June and continued to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. RENGO has worked on this movement because the return of the Habomai Archipelago, Shikotan Island, Kunashiri Island, and Etorofu Island is an ardent wish of Japanese citizens. We should resolve this territorial dispute and conclude a peace treaty with our Russian neighbors to build a deep relationship of trust. But now the movement demanding the return has been driven into a corner. One reason for this is corruption-a huge amount of money changed hands through a collusion of politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen over humanitarian assistance to the Northern Four Islands. A second reason is the parallel talk, which was pushed through in a high-handed manner under both the Obuchi and Mori administrations. The so-called "Return the Two Islands of Shikotan and Habomai First and Talk of Attribution of Kunashiri and Etorofu later," was simply a "return of two islands" that twisted the "Return of Four Islands" principle. As a result, Japanese diplomacy with Russia stalled arousing the mistrust of many citizens over territorial issues. Considering the feelings of former island residents and the great number of movements by predecessors over the years, perhaps former Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Muneo Suzuki bears the greatest responsibility for tarnishing "humanitarian support" with self-interest and injustice, distorting the movement with the idea " Return of Two Islands." Meanwhile at Yausubetsu near Nemuro-city, the U.S. military in Okinawa has relocated and is conducting firing maneuvers at a Japan Self Defense Force Training Site. Local municipalities are strongly protesting that it is a "breach of promise including the night exercises that are repeatedly being conducted." On September 8, RENGO Hokkaido conducted its "All-Hokkaido Rally Protesting U.S. Military Relocation and Live Maneuvers in Yausubetsu" at Yausubetsu. In order to solve the Northern Territories issue, the easing of tensions between Japan and Russia has been a major premise. Although both countries are separated by a sea, they still share a border. The maneuvers definitely hamper Japanese/Russian friendship and RENGO strongly protests the relocation of these maneuvers. Ladies and gentlemen attending this rally from all over the country! Our resolve and movements for the return of the four islands are firm giving no inch. What is crucial is to tackle this steadily and surely. To realize the return of the Four Northern Islands, let us mobilize workers as never before and heighten efforts in the workplace and localities around the nation. Let us bring about the early return of the Northern Territories! |
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