1st meeting of International Committee Held Disabled People Assistance Project in Thai Next January/ICFTU World Congress in Miyazaki, December (24 Dec 2003) |
On December 8, the first meeting International Committee was held and endorsed at the meeting were RENGO Vice President Kato as Committee Chair and NIKKYOSO (Japan Teachers¡ Union) General Secretary Nakamura as Committee Vice Chair. Some of the main topics discussed at the meeting included: ÀDisabled People Assistance Project in Thai ” which is scheduled to be conducted from January 28 through February 5 2004 at Bangkok and Vientiane; participation in the À4th World Social Forum” held in Mumbai, India in January; activities for the 18th ICFTU World Congress to be held in Miyazaki in December 2004, the 18th APRO (ICFTU Asia and Pacific Regional Organisation) Regional Conference scheduled to be held in Nepal, January 2005, and the 92nd Session of the International Labour Conference (ILO). Other endorsed activities include Àforeign policy” in priority policies in the FY 2003-2005 International Labor Movement and ÀBurma (Myanmar) Issues.” |
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