

RENGO Statements and Views

Statement on the Conclusion of COP22

21 November 2016
Japanese Trade Union Confederation - RENGO
General Secretary, Naoto Ohmi
  1. The 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Marrakech, Morocco from November 7 to 19 concluded with the adoption of the Marrakech Action Proclamation for our climate and sustainable development. With the result of the American presidential election, held during the Conference, and increasing uncertainty about global warming countermeasures to be implemented by all countries and regions, the Action Proclamation calls for the highest political commitment to combat climate change. While anticipating the acceleration of domestic procedures by countries who have yet to ratify the Convention, JTUC-RENGO looks forward to responsible actions on the part of all Parties to the Convention.
  2. Based on the entry into force of the Paris Agreement on November 4, the first Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA1) was held during the Conference, but was suspended immediately after the opening as the Ad-hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) continued to adjust the contents of the Agreement. The work programme adopted at these meetings contains an agreement to complete the details of the Paris Agreement by 2018. In addition, while developed countries and a number of developing countries who have decided to participate autonomously are to provide funding of no less than USD 100 billion annually, an increase in that amount is to be determined at the meeting in 2017.
  3. JTUC-RENGO also participated in COP22, and working toward the embodiment of a “Just Transition,” one of the most important concerns of trade unions, took actions to have its views reflected in the proceedings, for example, by making a request to the Minister of the Environment, Koichi Yamamoto. As a result, it was decided in the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), held during the Conference from 7 to 14 November, to discuss a “Just Transition” at the 46th meeting of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) in May next year, and that along with international organizations such as the ILO, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), to which JTUC-RENGO is affiliated, will participate for the first time.
  4. Based on this decision, JTUC-RENGO will conduct case study research on a “Just Transition” in Japan and consider systemic arrangements in preparation for next year’s SBI meeting. In addition, we will further strengthen our coordination with the international labor movement, including ITUC, to ensure a significant outcome at COP23, to be held with Fiji as conference chair in Bonn, Germany, in November next year. At the same time, with the aim of making contributions to international society by Japan, our whole organization will make efforts to continue our domestic “RENGO Eco-Life 21,” a national people’s action for global warming countermeasures.