Photo: President Sasamori (left) and President Kan (right) conclude a policy agreement with a handshake before the upcoming general election.
(10th, Tokyo) |
On October 10th, the House of Representatives was dissolved. RENGO released the General Secretaryçs statement regarding the upcoming general election to be held on November 9th. The General Secretary called the status of the upcoming 43rd House of Representatives Election èone of the most decisive political struggles focusing on a change of administration--a truly crucial battle which will determine Japançs path for the next ten years.î He then resolutely said that RENGO will endeavor to do all it can to gain victory for all of its endorsed candidates. Also on the same day, RENGO concluded a policy agreement with the Democratic Party of Japan for victory in the upcoming House of Representatives election and will support the DPJ fully to make sure that the agreement is actualized.