NAGUMO Speaks! RENGO's Statement by General Secretary
Reelection of Prime Minister Kahn As President of Ruling Democratic Party of Japan
14 September 2010
September 14, at an extraordinary convention of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), Prime Minister Kahn was re-elected as president of the Party. During the election campaign, heated discussions were conducted between Kahn and former DPJ general secretary Ozawa. Now that the election is over, RENGO strongly hopes that both will cooperate with each other in party management and that the DPJ will fight against many difficulties inside and outside Japan in a unified manner, and will continue to manage the government on the base of the starting point of “people’s lives first”.
The presidential election was conducted in the midst of many difficulties of severe economic and employment situation, how the social security system and tax system should be, how the foreign and security policy should be and other issues. In that sense, the election was to elect practically next prime minister. RENGO called for both candidates, at the election campaign, not to fall into internal fighting debates nor into negative campaigns, but to plainly explain to the public about the idea and policies on what kind of society they are planning to design in the future as the leader of the nation.
During the campaign, both candidates set forth their serious and constructive arguments magnificently about the issues of how to reconstruct Japanese society, how to seek secured life and other issues, although differences of opinions were seen. Prime Minister Kahn should have gone more into details about his idea about consumption tax hike and former DPJ general secretary Ozawa should have explained more about the issue of “politics and money”, but the election campaign was significant in the sense that it provided an opportunity to think seriously over the future picture of Japan and the path it should take.
The DPJ which is a ruling party and is entrusted mandates from the people. The party is expected to continue to realize policies based on the DPJ’s election manifesto. But, the party will indeed face a truly crucial stage from now on, and Kahn government, for moment, will face great difficulties in guiding the “divided Diet(The ruling parties haven’t a majority in the Lower House)”. RENGO strongly demand the DPJ that it will meet the expectation and confidence of the people through showing clearly with a unified manner the concept of a society and a national vision to be sought, and through government management based on thorough discussions and consensus formation. RENGO will continue to strengthen support for and relationship with the DPJ government to aim at realizing RENGO main policies towards “building a society with hope and security” while consulting with each of ruling and opposition parties.