


3rd Government-Labor Discussion on Public Servant System Reform/Gross Public Servant Personnel Cost Reform

30 May 2006
   On May 29th, RENGO held the 3rd Government-Labour Discussion on public servant system reform with representatives from the government (attendees included Minister of State for Administrative Reform Kouki Chuma, Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Heizo Takenaka, and Health, Labour and Welfare Minister Jiro Kawasaki).
   The day's discussions included the "consultation table" where both sides would discuss the “scope of public service workers who would be given basic labour rights” which both sides have already agreed to establish. The government suggested that the table be formed by government decree, its first meeting could be held as early as June, and that it consist of ten to fifteen members including those with academic experience.
   RENGO responded to these suggestions, based on the recommendations by the ILO on three separate occasions, by requesting that the government conduct radical reform of labour-management relations in public services; reform that meets international labour standards as RENGO further sought that when selecting committee members, the process would not be conducted unilaterally and that those with balanced perspectives be chosen. After opinion exchange, both sides reached an agreement and endorsed holding further exchange opinions on topics that include the adjustment of details.