Chill Out, Earth!
8th Environmental Forum held in Tokyo
08 June 2006
Posters for“Chill out! Earth” (PDF258KB) |
Marking the start of Action Month against Global Warming (June to September), RENGO held it 8th Environmental Forum at ZENDENTSU Rodo Kaikan Hall in Tokyo on June 6th. Approximately 230 attendees gathered from affiliated organizations, local RENGOs, the Rethink Life-Style Environment Congress (consisting of RENGO, Central Labor and Welfare Association, ROKIN: National Association of Labour Banks, and ZENROSAI: National Federation of Workers and Consumers Insurance Cooperatives) and various NGOs.
Keynote speaker Hideo Harasawa, Social and Environmental Systems Division Director of the National Institute for Environmental Studies (Independent Administrative Institution), clearly explained about the dangerous progress of global warming and the simulation of future temperature/precipitation changes in his address.
At the session, a panel was held which included the following panelists: Japanese Vice Minister for Global Environmental Affairs Toshiro Kojima, Ministry of the Environment, Sustainable Sweden Association Japan Representative Lena Lindahl, former Co-Chairman of the Committee on Environment and Safety Kazumoto Yamamoto, Nippon Keidanren, and RENGO General Secretary Nobuaki Koga.
Along with commentator (National Institute for Environmental Studies) Division Director Harasawa and session coordinator Japan Association of Environment and Society for the 21st Century Executive Director Konoe Fujimura, they discussed how people live and work in the era of global warming under the general theme of "Our lives will be changed by global warming? The Dangerous Progress of Global Warming."