


48th Central Committee held

2007 Plan of Action Confirmed

06 October 2006
On October 4th, Rengo’s 48th Central Committee was held, attended by about 420 people. Items endorsed at this meeting include: affiliation with the new international organization ITUC, the 2007 Rengo Action Policies, the 2007 budget, and the Third Plan to Promote Equal Gender Participation.

Central Committee Meeting at the Hotel Langwood, Oct. 4 Central Committee Meeting at the Hotel Langwood, Oct. 4
President Takagi makes a speech President Takagi makes a speech
Secretary General Hatoyama of Democratic Party of Japan makes a speech Secretary General Hatoyama of Democratic Party of Japan makes a speech
President Takagi criticized the Koizumi administration which recently ended after 5 years and 5 months, commenting: “The gap between rich and poor became more extreme under Koizumi, workload increased and wages decreased, in fact, mostly negative factors come to mind. Evaluated from a labour and life of ordinary citizens perspective, Koizumi doesn’t even deserve a grade. Japan presents a sorry image of insecurity and distrust.” Takagi then reported on Rengo’s efforts to stop this insecurity and distrust. He also revealed Rengo’s Action Policies for the second half of the 2006-2007 fiscal year, raising issues such as the Spring Struggle, expanding union membership, strengthening local cooperation, correcting the wealth gaps, forming rules for fair work practices, countering the trend towards larger work loads and reduced pay, addressing issues related to reform of the public service and basic labour rights, regulating the loan industry, the establishment of the new international by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and World Confederation of Labour (WCL), political activities and elections.
Regarding the 2007 Spring Struggle, Takagi commented: “In order to achieve practical wage-hike, we should demand the necessary resource. There is ample reason to demand wage-hike such as continuing economic boom and favorable corporate performance. We should not hesitate to make demands. In order to answer the expectations of union members and the working public, we must forge ahead with this challenge.”
The Central Committee also voted to join the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

Items discussed at the 48th Rengo Central Committee Meeting

1.Election of officials
3.Affiliation with the new international labour confederation
4.FY (fiscal year) 2007 Action Policies
5.FY 2007 Budget
6.Third Plan to Promote Equal Gender Participation
7.Other matters