


RENGO’s Actions against Escalating Prices of Oil and Food

02 September 2008

JTUC-RENGO, together with its affiliates and Local RENGOs, is conducting activities to realise our policy in extraordinary parliamentary session which will be held from mid-September to mid-November 2008.
One of the pillars of our policy is that emergency measures against escalating prices associated with oil and food be implemented by Japanese Government.

On 28 July 2008, JTUC-RENGO asked Prime Minister Fukuda to cut income tax, increase welfare payment and consider support measures such as distributing the national oil reserve to small and medium enterprises, etc, as emergency measures for people suffering from steep rise of prices of necessities of life.

Our actions which were confirmed at the 11th central executive committee on 22 August 2008 for realising implementation of emergency measures against crude oil and food prices issues are as follows;

1.      Actions by JTUC-RENGO
-          Petition to the Prime Minister and Political parties (See our statement of demands to Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda)
-          Attending governmental councils related with food prices
-          Making leaflets for demonstration
-          Advocacy through JTUC-RENGO’s HP
-          Providing union members with opportunities to learn price issues

2.      Action by JTUC-RENGO affiliates
-          Attending at learning activities organised by JTUC-RENGO

3.      Actions by Local RENGOs
-          Rallies and/or demonstrations
-          Petition to local governments
-          Lobbying for adoption of resolution at the local assembly

In addition to the above-mentioned, JTUC-RENGO held rally on 26 August 2008 in Tokyo, and is also planning to hold another rally on 25 September 2008 together with a consumers' association.