


RENGO’s 10th Central Executive Committee

14 July 2006

I. Items reported

  1. Major activities
  2. Others

II. Items discussed

  1. Appointments of acting officers due to changes in affiliates
  2. Supplement members of the Election Administration Committee
  3. Changes in “RENGO policy with overriding priority for 2007”
  4. Action in promoting gender equality (draft)
  5. The 3rd programme to promote gender equality (first draft)
  6. Recommendations of candidates for elections
  7. Regulations on reemployment of RENGO headquarters staff (draft)
  8. Changes and recommendations of members of governmental councils
  9. Others
    • Invitations to workshops
    • Meeting for policy officers on medical services, caring and child-care assistance
    • Recruitment of participants in the 14th ILO Asian Regional Conference
    • Recruitment of participants in the 6the Rengo Academy’s Master Course
    • Calendar for July-August 2006